Friday, October 7, 2011

Surprise! Dodd Frank cost passed on to consumers

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan defended the bank's decision to impose a $5 debit card fee on customers next year, saying it was needed, in part, to recoup billions of dollars in costs from complying with Dodd-Frank law. "I have an inherent duty as a CEO of a publicly held company to get a return for my shareholders," he said at the Aspen Institute in Washington. "At the same time, I have an inherent duty to do a great job for my customers." He wouldn't say if other Bank of America fees would be raised. He said the bank — the nation's largest mortgage lender through its purchase of Countrywide Financial — is trying to work through the backlog of its mortgage foreclosures and "find a resolution" with the state attorneys general suing Bank of America and other banks over their mortgage practices.

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